Fahrenheit 451

Tomasz Radko Data ostatniej zmiany: 2010-08-22 14:49:57

Fahrenheit 451

2010-08-22 14:49:57 - Tomasz Radko

Wpadła mi na ekran anegdotka związana z tą powieścią.

Russell Kirk recounts the true story of a librarian?s reaction to
Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury?s depiction of a future in which books are
feared and burned.

The librarian received a copy by mistake, read it, and was duly offended
by it. The book was . . . disturbing. According to Kirk, she fired off a
letter of furious protest to the wholesaler: How dare they send such a
disturbing book! ?I took it right out in back and burned it,? she crowed

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